Our mission is to democratize entrepreneurship for non-technical founders.

Our future will be built by the next generation of entrepreneurs.
We are here to support them.
WeAreNoCode Community

About us

WeAreNoCode is an online institute for non-technical entrepreneurs. We believe the future of education is both community-driven and action-led. Upskill and become founders of the future.

Founded in 2019 by Christian Peverelli and Eduard Widerker, WeAreNoCode was born from the shared belief that entrepreneurship education was no longer addressing the needs of the modern founder. Having run a startup accelerator in Los Angeles, Christian found that most entrepreneurs were suffering from at least one of two problems.

Many founders lack the technical skills needed to build their website or app, and end up wasting all of their savings on programmers building products that no one used. On the other hand, most first-time entrepreneurs who lack startup experience are wasting time trying to figure out how to get started by piecing together Youtube videos and podcasts.

This was frustrating to Christian and Eddy because it had been half a century since silicon valley had been refining startup methodology and no-code tools were now allowing anyone with an internet connection to build apps with drag-and-drop tools without coding. So this inspired the pair to build WeAreNoCode.

Today, WeAreNoCode is lead by Christian Peverelli and Caio Calderari (Chief No-Code Officer) and has trained more than 500 entrepreneurs from 23 countries. We are building the future of education for non-technical founders.

Our vision for the future

Community Driven
Education is more than learning to us. It's about surrounding yourself with supportive people and building lasting relationships.
Action Oriented
Entrepreneurship is learned by doing. We focus not only on teaching you what to do, but showing you how to do it. A step-by-step guide.
Skill Based
Our world is shifting towards a skill-based economy. We teach entrepreneurs powerful no-code tools and believe in learning the skills of tomorrow, today.

We help founders at every stage.

We teach entrepreneurs how to go from idea to revenue and prepare for revenue growth, accelerators or investors.

Idea Generation

If you're an aspiring entrepreneur, but don't have a business idea we can help you generate ideas and select which one to focus on first.

Testing & Validating

If you have a startup idea and want to test if it's worth focusing on full time, we can help you test the market with no-code tools.

MVP Building

We help you select the right no-code tools, teach you how to use them and support you as you are building your own app.

Bootstrapping & Fundraising

We teach you how to get first-paying customers and prepare for the road ahead. With or without investors.
Christian Peverelli

Christian Peverelli

CEO and Co-Founder
Serial entrepreneur and digital strategist with over 12 years experience building startups, running accelerators and consulting for fortune 500 companies and celebrities. Served as the co-director of a startup program that has helped over 100 startups go on to raise over 40M in funding and get into accelerators like Techstars, YCombinator and 500 Startups.
Visit LinkedIn Profile

What others are saying about us

"Amazing! I'm really enjoying the program and have seen lots of progress. Thank you for all the great content and support. What a great community."
Caitlin Carey
Caitlin Carey
WeAreNoCode Student
The unlock I feel is not only feeling empowered with no-code development, but also finding a community of folks who are bootstrapping. It is very hard to find early-stage entrepreneurs and you two as coaches."
Sukesh Shekar
Sukesh Shekar
Sukesh Shekar
"One of my biggest hurdles was definitely building my first product. The no-code startup was a huge resource for me. It really breaks down the entire process."
Ryan Keistedt
Snack Startup
"Christian has been my Mr. Miyagi. In just a few short months I feel completely comfortable in the world of fundraising and am fully funded, when only a short while ago I saw that as nothing but a dream."
Frank Eybsen
Frank Eybsen
Founder at Buildlane

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